Role And Responsibilities of Members

  • The faculty members can take the help of the member students as and when required and can also involve them in different activities relating to Anti-Ragging Committee.
  • To keep an alert eye to avoid any of ragging incidence
  • Walk around the campus to ensure that there is no such activity taking place.
  • Keep reminding students about the severe actions which could be taken against them if they are found involved or indulged in ragging.
  • Make students aware of their respective Institution about the rules and regulations of Anti-Ragging.
  • Informing students about the affidavit and encourage students to fill and submit it in time.
  • Taking ownership in making the environment of the campus absolutely free from Ragging.
  • Actively participation in monthly meeting of Anti-Ragging Committee or as per the scheduled informed to them from time to time.
  • Identify and keep in close observation of the sensitive places of the institute where such incidents can take place.
  • For each ragging incident, the member person is supposed to prepare and submit a complete report including their remarks about the incident for further action to the Head of Anti- Ragging Committee.
  • If any such incident is reported to member or member himself/herself comes across such incidents, he/she has to immediately try to get connected telephonically/face to face to the group of students found/reported to indulge in ragging.
  • The member person will immediately investigate about such incident and will take in written from the doer and the culprit.
  • The member person will also try to collect the information Oral and Written from the witnesses and will put remarks of the witness in the report.
  • Simultaneously, the member person will immediately bring to the notice of Head of Anti- Ragging Committee about such happening as first information and later on will submit an exhaustive report to the Heads for further process and action.
  • Since the gravity of the incident will be decided by the report which will get reflected into the decision of the degree of punishment for the defaulter, it is expected from the each member person that they make/develop the report with utmost sincerity and care.
  • Each such report submitted to the Head of Anti-Ragging Committee will be further investigated by their own resources in order to reach to a right judgment & appropriate decision.
  • The member faculty of each stream of Anti- Ragging Committee will be in close touch with the heads regarding the report they have submitted to the Head. His/her responsibility will not be over just by submitting the report; rather they may also be expected to be a part of decision. Thus, they are supposed to be in touch with the Head till the final verdict upon the case submitted has come out.
  • Each nominated member of the committee is expected to abide by the SOP.